When you are in need of cash fast, there are not many options you have available. If you are looking to go the traditional route and get a loan from a bank, you are most likely going to have to wait days and then you could end up being denied because of your credit. Instead of having to deal with a bank, you can pursue Title Loans. These loans are much easier to obtain and less stressful. With most title loan companies, you can have your money the same day or in as little as twenty-four hours.
Getting Title Loans is truly one of the easiest loans to get. All you need to do, is present a clear title. A clear title is one that has no liens. This means you owe nothing on your vehicle and own it outright. The title must be in your name only, or you will not be able to be approved for the loan. You must also present a valid ID, which proves you are the owner of the vehicle. Unlike banks, the title loan company will not check your credit score. Even if you have poor credit or no credit at all, you can still be approved for a loan, as long as you meet the very few criteria the company requires.
To be approved for the loan, you will need to fill out a short application. This provides information on your vehicle, your job or source of income and your bank information. With some title loan companies, you can provide all of this information online and never have to visit a brick and mortar office. Some title loan companies will have you come into the office to apply, in certain situations. The loan company will let you know if this is needed.
If you are experiencing a financial emergency, there is help available. Contact Xpress Title Loans or visit them online and find out how they can help you with your financial needs. You can borrow as much as $25,000 and have the money in your bank account by the next day.