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5 Ways To Keep Sane During A Tax Filing Session

There’s nothing like the thought of spending a whole day battling with your taxes to make even the most stalwart entrepreneur cringe. Here are some pointers to help you make it through that session with your sanity intact: 1. Keep all your financial data in one place....

Financial Services

Assessing Accounts Receivable Factoring Fees

As with any type of business service, keeping the fees as low as possible is essential to maximize the profitability of using the service. When it comes to using a factoring service, the accounts receivable factoring fees will be a critical consideration and will...

Financial Planner


Options for Business Insurance in Oklahoma City OK

Options for Business Insurance in Oklahoma City OK

The best way to protect a business is to make sure it is properly insured. There are basic insurance policies, such as property, company vehicle, liability, and workers compensation that all businesses should have, and then there are other available policies for...

Find the Best Rates For Cheap Car insurance

Find the Best Rates For Cheap Car insurance

A vehicle is usually the second largest investment that most people make, and it is important to protect it from harm. There are several types of insurance plans available, and an experienced agent helps customers to choose the coverage that best meets their needs....